Waste Deep

of $3,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 31st Jan 2014 at 12:00PM.


We are thrilled to have surpassed our fundraising target and would like to thank everyone who has so generously contributed so far. Our campaign closes 1st February so there’s still time to join in on the fun! We’ll use any funds raised over our target to make this doco even bigger and better and to help us spread its messages far and wide so that more people can learn how to live waste free in 2014.

In 2014, we’re heading into uncharted territory – a territory with no plastic bags, no food packaging, no disposable coffee cups, no little plastic produce bags, no wasted carrot tops or mouldy leftovers. We’re journeying towards ZERO WASTE and are hosting a zero waste event in March to prove it can be done. Our short film will share our journey towards zero waste and showcase the wonderful people we meet along the way that help us reduce, reuse, repair and recycle our way into waste-free bliss. The film will inspire people to stand up, take notice and start their own journey towards zero waste.

(Above Photos By www.mattburkephotography.com)

As a nation, we’re pretty big wasters. We chuck out 1 in every 5 bags of groceries we buy. About $8 billion worth of food is thrown out every year. Worldwide we throw out half the food we grow. It’s a criminal waste of precious resources and farmer labour and it has a devastating effect on the environment, not to mention the social impact.

(Photo By www.epSos.de)

And what about the packaging? Plastic-wrapped food is everywhere - in fact, plastic has come to infiltrate every realm of our lives. As a result, more than 5 million pieces of plastic enter our oceans each and every day, killing over 1 million birds and marine life each year.

Our short film will show how food and plastic waste can be avoided, drawing attention to much of the unnecessary packaging that is choking our lives, oceans and animals. It will also profile the environmental and social issues associated with our wasteful ways.

(Photo By Lisa Lowenborg)

The film will give people an intimate insight into the challenges and triumphs of going zero waste.
We will launch the film at an event in March, and post-event the film will be shared through our Table Talk blog, on social media and through our 2014 Give a Fork! campaign – illustrating how people can host their own zero-waste events, and ultimately, lifestyles.

(Above Photos By www.mattburkephotography.com)

Cover 'Plastic Supermarket Produce' Photo By Ricardo

How The Funds Will Be Used

We’ve got the ideas, we’ve got the talent, now we need the funds to get this short film off our notepads and into production. We’ll use the money raised to pay for all the production costs, including paying our awesome videographer to create a cracking short film that will jolt people into positive action.
What else is cool?

We’re part of the All at Once community, a social action network connecting non-profits with people who want to become active in their local and world community. As a part of this, Jack Johnson’s charity (yes, Jack Johnson the singer) is matching donations contributed to us from now through to December 31st (up to a total of US$2500, pending approval by CAFAmerica)! Make a contribution right now and your money will be doubled by the Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation!

Collectively, individual actions create global change. Your actions, your voice, and your choices, all have a huge impact. www.AllAtOnce.org

The Challenges

We’re a small team with a small budget, but we have the zeal to produce a film that’ll make even the biggest waste wally rethink their squandering ways – all we need is your belief and support!

- A warm e-hug and a good vibe - And a thank you on Facebook and Twitter

11 chosen / 989 available

Est. delivery is Feb 14

- Sustainable Seafood e-Cookbook - Your name included in the credits under Special Thanks - A thank you on Facebook and Twitter *The Sustainable Seafood e-Cookbook is a 70-page guide to selecting sustainable seafood and features over 20 recipes to tantalise your tastebuds.

14 chosen / 986 available

Est. delivery is Feb 14

A 'VIP Sponsor Pack' That Includes: - A copy of our latest book Seasonal Regional* - Your name included in the credits as a VIP Sponsor - The Sustainable Seafood e-Cookbook - A HUGE thank you on Facebook and Twitter *Seasonal Regional is our latest beautifully printed cookbook featuring some of Victoria’s finest food producers and more than 80 seasonal recipes created by celebrated chefs and home cooks.

5 chosen / 995 available

Est. delivery is Feb 14

'Assistant Producer Pack' - Your name as Assistant Producer in the credits - A piece of beautifully-crafted kitchen or tableware from Robert Gordon - The Sustainable Seafood e-Cookbook - A MASSIVE thank you on Facebook and Twitter

2 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Jan 14

An 'Associate Producer Pack' - Your name as 'Associate Producer' in the credits - 1 ticket to our Seasonal Regional Autumn Food Tour of the Mornington Peninsula (Sat 3rd or 10th May 2014 - valued at $260) - The Sustainable Seafood e-Cookbook - A MASSIVE thank you on Facebook and Twitter

2 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Jan 14

An 'Executive Producer Pack' That Includes: - Your name as Executive Producer in the credits - Two tickets to our Gourmet Zero-Waste Lunch event and film premier in Melbourne (2nd March 2014), valued at $320 - A copy of our latest book Seasonal Regional - The Sustainable Seafood e-Cookbook - Our eternal gratitude and a whopping great thank you on Facebook and Twitter

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

An 'Associate Producer Pack' That Includes: - Your name as Associate Producer in the credits - Two tickets to our Gourmet Zero-Waste Lunch event and film premiere in Melbourne (2nd March 2014), valued at $320 - The Sustainable Seafood e-Cookbook - Our eternal gratitude and a whopping great thank you on Facebook and Twitter

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14