Pip Magazine
Inspiring a sustainable future

Pip: Permaculture Magazine

of $9,500 targetyrs ago
Successful on 25th Feb 2014 at 10:35AM.

Hi, my name’s Robyn Rosenfeldt and I’m the editor, publisher and creator of Pip magazine.
Pip magazine is Australia’s new permaculture magazine. www.pipmagazine.com.au

Wouldn’t it be great to have a magazine that covers all your interests in permaculture and sustainable living. And wouldn’t it be great if this magazine was beautifully designed with loads of colour photos and illustrations on 100% recycled paper. A magazine where you can learn how to retrofit your home to make it more energy efficient, get great ideas that you can implement into your own productive food gardens, find recipes that are seasonal and use simple whole foods and read about other like-minded people who are doing inspiring things. And also find out about courses that are coming up, permaculture related businesses and relevant events.

It’s been over ten years since Australia had it’s own permaculture magazine and it has been hugely missed. Since then we have had to rely on overseas publications that in many ways aren't relevant. We need our own magazine that is relevant to our climates, seasons, landscapes and culture.

As David Holmgren; the co-originator of permaculture says "The most powerful thing we can do to change the world is to create the world we do want rather than trying to stop the world we don’t want." The aim of this magazine is to share stories, ideas and inspiration about how to create a world that can survive into the future; showcasing people and groups who are doing great things around the country and beyond to live more sustainably as well as offering practical advice about how to implement permaculture into your life.

Pip magazine will be both informative and credible as well as stylish, attractive and easy to understand. In this way it is relevant and interesting to both long term permies as well as being accessible and inspiring to those that are new to permaculture or want to learn more about living in harmony with the planet.
There will be articles with practical information and tips on a variety of topics under the sections; grow, build, eat, create, nurture and connect.

In the first issue there are articles by David Holmgren, Kirsten Bradley, Dan Harris Pascal and Ian Lillington to name a few. We’ll cover food forests, natural dyes, mushroom cultivation, herbal first aid, food security and local food to name a few.

Why Pip? Pip is the beginning and pip is the end. Some may see the pip as something you throw away but in permaculture we see it as the start of new life. It is the link between the end of one life cycle and the start of another.

Pip magazine will be published twice yearly to start with and will be available by subscription through the website www.pipmagazine.com.au and at some select outlets.

How The Funds Will Be Used

I have covered all costs so far from my own personal funds; design, production of website, promotional material, travel, etc.

All money raised from this campaign will go directly towards the printing of the first edition of the magazine.

Any additional money raised will go towards the printing of the second edition.

The Challenges

Financial sustainability is always a challenge for a new business starting out but I am overcoming this by starting off small and simple, in true permaculture style. I am keeping my first print run small, keeping overheads low and crowdfunding for the first print run so that all profits from the this edition go directly into the printing of the next one. I am also volunteering my time until it reaches a point that the magazine can afford to pay me and other volunteer staff. We have volunteered our time to help get this project off the ground because we believe in it and want to see it come alive.

Your name printed on the supporters page of the magazine. A warm fuzzy feeling inside knowing you have helped support the launch of Australia's own permaculture magazine.

6 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 14

A copy of the magazine delivered to your door. Your name printed on the supporters page of the magazine. And of course the warmth and fuzziness. (Add $10 for international delivery.)

111 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 14

Pip Supporters Pack. A funky Pip market tote bag. Plus all of the above. (Add $10 for international delivery.)

49 chosen

Est. delivery is Mar 14

Antique bronze butterfly, dragonfly or owl earrings. Plus a Pip Supporter's Pack. Donated by the lovely girls from Nest of Pambula. All jewellery is lead free and nickel free. www.nestofpambula.com.au

7 chosen / 8 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

Pip Patron Pack: The 2014 Permaculture Principles Calendar. A funky Pip market tote bag, a copy of the magazine and your name printed as a patron on the supporter's page of the magazine. (Add $10 for international delivery.)

50 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

An Edible Weeds Walk in Melbourne. (East Brunswick) Plus a Pip Supporter's Pack. Join Adam Grubb, co-author (with Annie Raser-Rowland) of the full colour field guide The Weed Forager's Handbook, for a fascinating walk on the wild side. Copies of the book will be available with identification, edibility, medicinal notes and intriguing historical and folkloric stories about the weeds. Held regularly. The next two are Sunday, 30 March and 26 April 11 -1pm.

3 chosen / 7 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

A publication from the Holmgren Design website http://holmgren.com.au Plus a Pip patron pack. Choose from one of the following: First in best dressed. 4 copies of 'The Flywire House', 2 copies of 'Melliodora CD' downloads and 2 copies of 'Permaculture Pioneers' (Add $10 for international delivery.)

4 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

A copy of Formidable Vegetable Sound System's Permaculture: A Rhymer's Manual CD. Plus a Pip Patron Pack. (Add $10 for international delivery.) Permaculture: A Rhymer's Manual is a practical wake-up call to action covering the 12 permaculture principles on a ukulele put to various radish beets. Featuring the voice and 1940’s Parisian-jazz-style ukulele grooves of Western Australian permaculture troubadour, Charlie Mgee, alongside an all-star cast of Australian musicians. Music in pozible clip.

3 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

$180 voucher towards a 4 to 6 day Professional Development course with Robyn Francis at Djangbung gardens, Nimbin. Plus a Pip patron pack. Choose from; Advanced Design Skills July 28- 31 2014 Sustainable Aid: Oct 27- Nov 1 2014 Creative Community Facilitation Sept 1-4 2014 Permaculture Teacher training and Effective Facilitation; Dec 1-6 2014 http://www.permaculture.com.au/courses/short-courses/professional-development.html

0 chosen / 10 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

A $200 voucher for use at Fair Harvest, Margaret River, WA. Can be used for courses, lunch, venue hire. Plus a Pip Patron Pack Fair Harvest run Permaculture Design Courses, bee keeping courses among others. www.fairharvest.com.au (Add $10 for international delivery.)

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

$250 voucher for Intensive Residential Permaculture Design Course with Robyn Francis at Djangbung Gardens. plus a Pip patron pack. Residential Permaculture Design Course July 11-25 2014 The 2-week intensive PDC at Djanbung Gardens is an inspiring and empowering experience, in a living working permaculture farm where the concepts taught are practiced. Located in the beautiful Nimbin Valley. Course price from $1575. http://www.permaculture.com.au/courses/pdc/permaculture-design-course-pdc.html

0 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

A $250 voucher towards Robin Clayfield's 'Dynamic Groups, Dynamic Learning' Teacher's Facilitation Course held at Crystal Waters Permaculture Eco Village 13/10/14 - 18/10/14. Plus a Pip patron pack. A 6 day intensive training course for leaders, facilitators and educators to effectively engage their audiences through creative, interactive processes and innovative learning models. Off waged individual price only. http://dynamicgroups.com.au/?page_id=98

0 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

A framed copy of a Pip permaculture photographic print of your choice. Plus a Pip Patron Pack. Choose from an image below or email for more options. Australian Postage included. (Inquire for international postage costs.)

1 chosen / 4 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

Celtic Nordic Seasonal Planting Calendar. Plus a Pip supporters pack. A perpetual seasonal planting and harvesting calendar using the Celtic Eightfold year seasons. There is a Temperate version (e.g. Newcastle to Tasmania) and a Subtropic version (e.g. northern NSW, Sth Qld). Each season shows veggies to plant & approximate number of weeks to harvest, companion & useful flowers to plant, and fruits in season. By Robyn Francis at Djanbung Gardens.

20 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

A pair of Zoe.O french cut ladies boxer shorts. Super cute, super comfy! Made with love from 100% cotton upcycled vintage fabric finds. Available in S, M & L.https://www.facebook.com/Zoeodesign Plus a Pip Patron Pack. (Add $10 for international delivery.)

6 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

A Robin Clayfield book package. Plus a Pip patron pack. * The new reprint of 'You Can Have Your Permaculture and Eat It Too', * Manual for Teaching Permaculture Creatively' and * 'Creative Community Governance and Decision Making Resource Kit' Valued at $228 including postage in Australia.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14

An place on Milkwood's 'Intro to Permaculture' course held in Sydney. Valued at $450. Plus a Pip patron pack. Apr 12 2014 - Apr 13 2014 Jun 7 2014 - Jun 8 2014 Join the great people at Milkwood for 2 days of permaculture design theory and action. You will leave this course with a solid grounding of how you can apply permaculture principles in your home, garden, apartment or farm. You'll also be in an informed position to further your journey into permaculture design.

1 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is Mar 14