The Squid, the Vibrio & the Moon
Copies are available here through our Pozible shop or through our Small Friends Bookshop, with worldwide delivery!

The book was created by the writer (Ailsa Wild), the illustrator (Aviva Reed), scientist (Prof. Linda Blackall) - in collaboration with Scale Free Network's Briony Barr & Dr. Gregory Crocetti.
It's the first storybook in the Small Friends series by Scale Free Network - stories about (mostly) positive symbioses between microbes and larger forms of life.
We have recently completed our second storybook in the Small Friends Series - Zobi and the Zoox - all about the coral symbiosis:
Our intention is to inspire children and adults to love our under-appreciated small friends in the microscopic world.
As the name suggests, the project will tell stories about microorganisms (like bacteria, fungi and viruses) and the amazing intimate relationships they form with each other, and larger forms of life.
And we've just started the Coral symbiosis story in collaboration with microbial ecologist - Dr. Madeleine van Oppen.
If you prefer to buy books in bookshops there are still some copies available for sale through bookshops in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Bega - details through the following link:
If you're keen to propose a new story or collaboration idea, please send us an email to gregory (at)
About the StoryBook:
Rich in visual details and scientific content, the simple storyline follows the adventure of a young bacterium ‘Ali’, her friend ‘Mai’, and the newborn bobtail squid ‘Sepio’ – all watched over by the moon.

Symbiotic relationships such as this one – are very often one of cooperation, not competition. When most people think of microbes, they think of germs and want to eradicate them. This project aims to shift this attitude towards one of symbiosis (living together). This message goes beyond the microscopic scale and is perhaps a way to start thinking that most forms of life survive by working together.
These stories are being produced by the art-science collective Scale Free Network, in collaboration with the microbial ecologist Professor Linda Blackall at Research Gate.

The storybook is a symbiosis in itself – a collaboration between a visual artist, a scientist and a writer.
Written to a young reader level – we have already tested it with some classes of 8-yr old children – with really positive feedback. But we reckon the story will be enjoyed by children and adults alike...

More information about the story
When the bobtail squid is born, it's only a few millimetres in size.

Photo of a juvenile squid by Little Boffin
As an adult, the bobtail squid grows to about 6 centimetres long.

Photo of an adult bobtail squid by Prilfish
The bobtail squid is a nocturnal creature, hunting by night.
By day, the bobtail squid safely burrows in the sand (little known fact - bobtail squids love reggae).
One of the first drawings of Vibrio bacteria was by the Danish Naturalist Otto Friedrich Müller, in the book Animalcula Infusoria, fluvia tilia et marina - published in 1786.

The storybook is a Scale Free Network project.

How The Funds Will Be Used
The Challenges
A handwritten thank-you card from the Ailsa, Aviva and Gregory
OZ Single Reward: 1 signed copy of the storybook sent to you in Australia
Worldwide Single Reward: 1 signed copy of the storybook sent to you worldwide
OZ DoubleUp Reward: 2 signed copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia
OZ Hatchling Reward: 1 signed copy of the storybook sent to you in Australia + your child’s name on the supporters’ page in the book
OZ Hat-trick Reward: 3 signed copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia
OZ HighFive Reward: 5 signed copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia
WORLDWIDE HighFive Reward: 5 signed copies of the storybook sent to you worldwide
Art-Lovers Reward: A signed limited edition print of an Aviva Reed artwork from the storybook (your choice from 4/5 selections we will make available in early December) - sent to you in Australia
Melbourne Reading Reward: A reading of the book at your local school in early 2014 (Melbourne only) plus 2 copies of the storybook sent to you in Australia.