Australian Novel for Kirkus Review
Gifts of the Peramangk is a sprawling family saga, taking place across two time periods in the harsh Australian Outback and the struggle streets of its suburban fringe.
In 1950s Australia, during the height of the divisive White Australia Policy, Virginia, a young Aboriginal girl is taken from her home and put to work on an isolated and harsh outback station. Her only solace: the violin, taught to her secretly by the kind-hearted wife of the abusive station owner. However, Virginia's prodigious musical gift cannot save her from years of hardship and racism.
Decades later, her eight year old granddaughter Ruby plays the violin with the passion Virginia once possessed. Amidst poverty, domestic violence and societal dysfunction, Ruby escapes her circumstance through her practice with her grandmother's frail, guiding hand. Ruby's zeal attracts the attention of an enigmatic music professor and with his help, she embarks on an incredible journey of musical discovery that will culminate in a rare opportunity. But with two cultural worlds colliding, her gift and her ambition will be threatened by deeply ingrained distrust, family jealousies and tragic secrets that will define her very identity.
Established in 1933, Kirkus Reviews is published on the first and 15th of each month, giving a preview of books prior to their publication. Kirkus reviews over 7,000 titles per year and is considered one of the premier book review magazines in the world.
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How The Funds Will Be Used
The eventual review will be published widely through Kirkus' licensees, including Google,, Ingram, Baker & Taylor and more. In addition, Kirkus editors will consider the review and feature the novel for publication in Kirkus Reviews magazine, which is read by librarians, booksellers, publishers, agents, journalists and entertainment executives. The review may also be selected to be featured in an email newsletter, which is distributed to more than 40,000 industry professionals and consumers.
The Challenges
Signed digital copies of Dean's novels "The Hambledown Dream" and "Gifts of the Peramangk" in the format of their choice. Donors will specify desired format at the conclusion of the successful project.
Signed digital copies of Dean's novels "The Hambledown Dream", "Gifts of the Peramangk" and "The Regenesis Cluster" in the format of their choice plus a signed "Gifts of the Peramangk" poster. Donors will specify desired format at the conclusion of the successful project.
Dean will offer a read through of your unpublished manuscript and provide an editorial appraisal of that manuscript. Dean will also provide a referral to Australian Publisher, Satalyte Publishing for further appraisal of your work.
Signed print copies of Dean's novels "The Hambledown Dream" and "Gifts of the Peramangk", a signed "Gifts of the Peramangk" poster plus a digital copy of Dean's novella "The Regenesis Cluster"
Signed print copies of Dean's novels "The Hambledown Dream" and "Gifts of the Peramangk". A print copy of "Tales of Australia - Great Southern Land" signed by Dean Mayes and editor Stephen Ormsby. A signed print copy of "Pendant - The Undead Hunters" by Stephen Ormsby. A signed "Gifts of the Peramangk" poster plus a digital copy of Dean's novella "The Regenesis Cluster"
A print copy of "Tales of Australia - Great Southern Land" signed by contributing author Dean Mayes and editor Stephen Ormsby.