MamaBake: The Mother's Revolution!

of $27,000 targetyrs ago
Closed on 17th Apr 2013 at 1:00AM.
**What is MamaBake?**

MamaBake is a movement of group, big batch baking mothers and is proudly listed as a Pioneer/Protagonist of the Collaborative Consumption movement.  

Mothers come together in small groups in their local neighbourhood to group, big batch bake and go home with a range of meals cooked for the week!  

**Benefits of MamaBake**

*Gives Mum well needed time off cooking a family meal every night, 
*Creates a tight knit support network at a time when women need it the most
*Demonstrates to MamaBaker children (the little ones who attend MamaBake sessions) the power and glory of community in action as well as exposing them to new foods, how it's made etc.
*Allows the passing on and sharing of kitchen wisdom and recipes.

**MamaBake: Now**

MamaBake has been running for three years and gathered significant momentum both online and importantly, in real life - effecting very real and positive change to the mothering community.    To date, Karen and Michelle have spent thousands of hours running and managing the thriving, and rapidly growing, MamaBake movement as a hobby and a passion whilst raising small children at home.  A fairly standard WordPress template has been used as a big batch baking resource portal and to enable in real life groups so as to  :

 1/Bring mothers together online to MamaBake in real life and 
2/Provide the resources they need to big batch bake together. 

**MamaBake: the Future**

MamaBake is now at a crucial stage in it's development where it is too big for a standard blog template.  As the movement grows and word spreads far and wide of the benefits of group, big batch baking, more and more mothers are coming to MamaBake seeking in-real-life connection and more resources to enable them to MamaBake.  The MamaBake infrastructure needs to drastically change so that the movement can fulfil it's true potential.

To do this, a more complex website is required that, through varying levels of membership, will allow women to:

*Find other women in their immediate locale with whom to form a MamaBake group,
*Create online MamaBake groups with other women with whom they can share recipes, kitchen wisdom and tips,
*Collect and personalise MamaBake's big batch baking resources 
*Find and book commercial kitchen space (for MamaBake sessions) and cookery classes in their local area.

MamaBake needs to also become a viable business model so that Michelle and Karen can continue to focus their efforts on managing a movement of this scale.


Website creation: $24,200
Pozible fees $2,800

**MamaBake's Capabilities**

Evidence of our capabilities can be witnessed via our website: media coverage,map showing MamaBake groups across the globe, featured groups; and also our wonderful online community.

As a thank-you-so-much gift, we give you: *x2 MamaBake Big Batch eCookbooks *A massive thank you from the MamaBake movement.

38 chosen / 1312 available

Est. delivery is Apr 13

*x2 MamaBake Big Batch Recipe eCookbooks *Access all areas to our new website for 12 months *Massive thank you from MamaBake

33 chosen / 507 available

Est. delivery is Jun 13

*Listed as a valued sponsor on our website for 6 months *Access all areas membership to our new website *x2 Big Batch Recipe eBooks *Massive thank you from MamaBake

8 chosen / 262 available

Est. delivery is Jun 13

*You and /or your business will be listed as a valued MamaBake sponsor on our website for 12 months. * Access all areas to our new website for you and two friends *x2 Big Batch Recipe eBooks. *A video tutorial (food based) made by us dedicated to YOU *A massive thank you from MamaBake

12 chosen / 168 available

Est. delivery is Jun 13

This is a super one for businesses. All of the above benefits PLUS *A one month banner on our new website as well: *You and /or your business will be listed as a valued MamaBake sponsor on our website for 12 months. * Access all areas to our new website for you and two friends *x2 Big Batch Recipe eBooks. *A video tutorial (food based) made by us dedicated to YOU *A massive thank you from MamaBake

0 chosen / 20 available

Est. delivery is Jun 13