Cartoobs and other typos

of $3,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 28th Mar 2013 at 12:00AM.
OH MY GOODNESS!! We reached the target in only 4 hours FOUR HOURS!! Australia I salute you! *salutes* - So what happens now? It is simple - the pozible is still open until March 28 - YOU CAN STILL CONTRIBUTE! Do you want tickets to the show, or tea towels or any of the other rewards? They are all still available. Any funds raised over the target will help us get the show to Canberra and Sydney (and other locations? Brisbane Perth who knows) So while you get pledging, I'll get on to sending out people's rewards and talking to the box office. YOU PEOPLE ARE AWESOME! Thank you so much. First Dog loves you Australia
-------------------------------------------------END UPDATE AS YOU WERE--------------------------------------

Hello Australia, I'm Walkley Award winning cartoonist First Dog on the Moon. I'm enormously excited because this year I will be performing my "smash hit" show Cartoobs and other Typos at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

Cartoobs and other typos is an hilarious romp through the mind of Australia's only self proclaimed National Treasure and marsupial based political cartoonist (me). It may or may not feature song and/or dance and certainly will have bandicoots. It features load of hysterical cartoons, uproarious gags, adorable whimsy and best of all you will leave with complete understanding of the role our vigorous democracy plays in today's Australia. (You will not). 

So why the pozible campaign? Comedy shows don't happen by themselves - festivals are expensive! There is equipment and robot-arms and semi-trailers to carry all the machines. It is not cheap. I recently discovered you actually have to pay for publicity? And printing. And music if you want to play it. I had no idea. Now I do. And we would really like to have someone do the show in Auslan because how good would that be? And you have to pay for that too obviously because Auslan, like freedom, isn't free.

The plan is to raise $3000. This will take care of many of the costs associated with the Comedy Festival. And hopefully we will be able to take it ON TOUR!

And what do you, dear reader, get for your contribution? 

For $15 you will receive a BANDICOOT BADGE and a hand drawn post it note featuring YOUR FACE! See below. I will post these to you with my OWN CELEBRITY HANDS! 

$30 Get's you a ticket to the show and a poster signed with my very own hands.

$90 Gets you two tickets to the show and two  tea towels and two badges. Limited edition signed tea towels no less.

If you can't get to the show, there is the Super Duper First Dog Merch Pack, with 3 different teatowels, badges, a calendar, first dog playing cards and god knows what else this is only $110 i will sign all of it! (most of it)

You can even pay $1000 and I will perform the entire show at your workplace, in your greenhouse, kitchen or bedroom (metropolitan melbourne only mostly). 

There are plans afoot to take Cartoobs to other states and cities and towns, even RARA (Rural and Regional Australia).

So join in the "fun", support the "arts" and "help" save democracy. Everyone who contributes will also become my best friend.

(Just a quick note about Show Tickets - we will be in touch to organise these as soon as the pozible finishes. You can email preferred attendance dates prior if you like and we will hold them.)

One (1) Jazz Paws badge and one (1) personalised Hand Crafted post it note with a "cartoon" likeness of you on it as drawn by me. Mailed to you with my own hands, in an envelope.

43 chosen / 57 available

Est. delivery is Apr 13

A ticket to the Cartoobs and other typos show and a poster which I will sign IN PERSON AT THE SHOW! ZOMG

15 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Mar 13

Can't make it to Melbourne? How about a signed Limited Edition First Dog Tea Towel and a bandicoot badge

33 chosen / 17 available

Est. delivery is Apr 13

A ticket to the show, a Limited Edition Tea Towel which I will sign at the show and a bandicoot badge.

6 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is Mar 13

2 Limited Edition Teatowels (one of each sort) signed and posted to you!

15 chosen / 15 available

Est. delivery is Apr 13

Super First Dog Pack! 2 Tickets to the show, 2 (Two!) Limited Edition Teatowels signed at the show by moi. And two Bandicoot Badges. Oh my!

14 chosen / 1 available

Est. delivery is Mar 13

Your very own hand crafted First Dog on the Moon Cardboard Wallaby! Made from the finest cardboard I could find in my shed, and hand painted, this wallaby is approx 15cm high and features your (or a loved one's) name. Drawn, cut out, hand painted and hand posted by me to you this wallaby is really pretty excellent. You're welcome. Message me with the text you want to see on the wallaby's adorable little sign.

1 chosen / 9 available

Est. delivery is May 13

Super Duper First Dog Merchanise Pack if you can't get to the show. Includes 3 Different First Dog Tea Towels, First Dog Playing Cards, 2 Bandicoot Badges and a First Dog 2013 Calendar. All signed (where applicable)

10 chosen / 20 available

Est. delivery is Apr 13

A live actual performance of Cartoobs and other Typos right in your home or workplace. First Dog in your very lounge room! (You must be located in metro Melbourne or know someone who has a plane and can fly me to your house)

0 chosen / 5 available

Est. delivery is May 13