A unique iPad experience: the web audio adventure

of $15,000 targetyrs ago
Successful on 1st Mar 2013 at 12:00AM.
A satirical *web audio adventure* where you travel across the web 
with characters who face ridiculous obstacles to being themselves.

What is a “web audio adventure”? 
We've created this new way to experience the web. What we've done is create a unique audio experience that combines radio drama and web navigation, with online storytelling. But the websites you go to will all be fictional ones we've created especially for this experience. 

You'll download an app to play on your iPad. Once open, you'll be guided by a narrator and the characters as they travel across the web to their fictional websites. So you'll hear the drama unfold, see the fictional websites, and click around the web with the characters.

What is the story and world?

“You laugh at me because I’m different, I laugh at you because you’re all the same.”  Jonathan Davis, Korn

"AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS" is a comedy drama set in a world split in two. You travel with a lady who is an Autopsy Pathologist in the Overworld, with a hidden life of as a Philosopher in the Underworld. When she is outed as a Philosopher, the Reality Infringement Council comes bearing down on her threatening her livelihood. But the appearance of a client mourning his late wife, and an eager-to-help part-time Time Traveling assistant, presents her with a choice. Should she keep her livelihood, and even her life, or stick her thumb to the crowd and do what she feels is right no matter what? The pathologist decides to take on a bet to find the meaning of death, and in doing so attracts the wrath of Ticket Officers, her Gambling Philosopher Ex, Artist Assassins, and a Quantum Theorist Crime Boss. She finds it's dangerously unpopular to be AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS.

Who are you people?
We have a great team of passionate professionals working on this project. Christy Dena has worked on award-winning multi-million dollar and indie interactive projects, for clients such as Nokia ("Conspiracy for Good"), Cisco and No Mimes Media ("The Hunt"), ABC ("Bluebird AR"), as well as solo-performances of experimental theatre, and independent feature films. A prototype Christy wrote of this AUTHENTIC project was nominated for a "Best Writing in a Game" Award at the 2012 Freeplay Independent Games Festival. She was the "Digital Writing Ambassador" at the Emerging Writers Festival, and co-wrote the "The Writer's Guide to Making a Digital Living" for the Australian Literature Board. Craig Peebles left his career building rockets to code games. He has worked on apps for Nickelodeon ("Fame Game"), Tin Man Games ("Game Book Adventures"), Lycette Bros. ("Creepy Crawlies"), and Sound Librarian ("Carmina Avium").Trevor Dikes of Soundplay Interactive divides his time between teaching game design, playing in his band, designing his own game ("Gauntlet Quest"), and doing sound design on people's games (such as the indie darling "Whisperous"). We've also managed to lure animator Simon Howe to do illustration and other design indulgences along with the animation on this Pozible video.

Beyond this core team, there are the amazing people who have been part of the project as crew members, cast members, advisors, and playtesters: Adam McKenzie, Barbara Joseph, Beatrix Coles, Ben McKenzie, Christian McCrea, Dan Golding, Danny Stefanic, Elroy, Ezra Silman, Garth Jones, Harry Lee, Jessica Lowry, Karin Muiznieks, Kevin Marks, Laura Crawford, Leena van Deventer, Lester Francois, Morgan Jaffit, Nadia Collins, Nilson Rea, Rebekah Stone, Richard McKenzie, Robert Reid, Russ Weakley, Simon Howe, Simon J. Green, Stefan Taylor, Stephan Schutze, Sayraphim Lothian, Tegan Higginbotham, Tom Stones... 

A special thank you to Juliana Loh for being our devoted artist for the (award nominated) iPad prototype! To the crew members who worked on this campaign: Ezra, Lester, Simon, and Trevor. And to all our SUPER supporters -- those who have been championing this project when it was just a glint in the eye.

Why are you doing this?
After working on commissioned projects for brands, agencies, and broadcasters, I wanted to do a project that takes the sensibilities of professional team work and approach and mixes them with a healthy dollop of creative freedom. All projects have constraints, but this is one where we can say and do a lot more than other client-led situations. 

The idea of the audio-driven navigation system came in response to a problem I saw happening in highly dispersed projects. There is a design issue/challenge in successfully encouraging your players or audience to travel across numerous websites - to go to lots of different "places" to experience a work of fiction. Many creators have gone the route of "convergence", where they combine everything in the same place...thus removing any "divergence". I'm interested in "unmixed media" aesthetics. So the question I asked, is how can I maintain divergence whilst benefiting from convergence? The audio-driven navigation system does this. An audio layer works as an intangible glue, guiding you across different spaces. 

As for the story. There are a lot of influences on the playful story of AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS. But a major one is the unexpected death of my mother. I took care of her property, and spent a long time searching through her books, notes, emails, and phone calls, to understand what had happened and why. I became a Philosophical Detective.  And then there is the ongoing journey of "being yourself" - how I've spent my life peeling back the layers of what I should be, and how so much of the world makes it so weirdly difficult to do anything but the "shoulds".

What are some of the creative goals of the project?

* Audio is a powerful element in any creative project -- and we're drawing on it to explore characters, setting, navigation, and emotion on the web in a new way. The unusual mix of using audio as the major delivery mode, along with visuals, and the need to act, is a great creative challenge we're relishing. You don't just listen, you look, and do. But all of the visual and action elements need to compliment and not compete with the main audio channel. We're drawing on animation and audio tours to guide our insights.

* We're playing with an idea of 'immersion'. When you read a book or listen to a radio drama, you spend a lot of mental effort creating the environment and appearance of the characters in your mind. We want to encourage this imaginative projection as much as possible, and so we've developed aesthetic principles to facilitate this happening.

* We're playing with the notion of 'space' on the web. What if each website is a 'place' -- a company, a building, a hideout? We're using spatial sound, wayfinding, and aesthetic principles we've developed to facilitate this idea.

* In terms of character design, the story has a strong female lead that doesn't need saving but still has her own flaws. She is courageous enough to be herself. In fact, the whole ensemble of characters explore different aspects of the obstacles to being yourself -- from not knowing who you are, to being courageous in the face of financial, social, emotional, and psychological walls. This approach has meant finding some unusual approaches to protagonist, sidekick, and ensemble design.

* We're making this for people who have always wanted to dive into stories delivered across the web but found them unapproachable; for people who have started engaging with online experiences but found they demanded too much time and effort to stay with; and for those that are keen to explore something fun and different.

What have you already done on the project?

We've playtested two prototypes. The most recent iPad build was nominated for an award! We achieved runner up for "Best Writing in a Game" at the 2012 Freeplay Independent Gaming Festival -- beating many released games! 

Before this iPad build, we conducted playtests on a basic desktop prototype. We were able to see just how players take audio cues, how much information they can take in when reading and listening at the same time, what characters were working, what dialogue and gags worked and didn't, and even how to best capture sound.

Most of the dialogue has been scripted, with schematics for all the websites and actions in place, and our own sound library already developed. 90% of the casting is locked.

What will you use the funds for?
We've been working on this project for over a year, working for the love of it and maxing out credit cards. While the overall costs are much higher, this is the critical 15k to make it all happen as we've envisioned. Here is what your actions will make happen:

* venue and equipment hire fees for the ensemble cast recordings
* cast fees
* software, developer accounts, hosting, and so on<
* refine the app interface functionality and appearance
* integrate generative sound into the app
* graphic design for the websites and inworld assets
* greater website functionality responsiveness
* sound design and composition

What are the rewards?
 Here are the wonderful perks of being an early supporter of this unique experience:

The unique web audio adventure that includes three 20+ minute episodes which involve moving through the 10+ websites, with optional playful missions, and further activities outside of the main audio experience.

Digital download of the complete custom soundtrack composed by Trevor Dikes of Soundplay Interactive for all three episodes! Here is a sampler of Trevor's work:

Christy Dena shares her writing, design, and directing decisions made during the project. It includes videos, podcasts & articles that inspired or changed her thinking, art, audio files, writing scripts (see this article), as well as a topic-driven navigation system for ease of use. This will be in digital format, but not iOS.

We'll create a personal audio introduction to AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS, guiding you to the app with a special narration written by Christy Dena and performed by the narrator of the project - the ACE comedian Jimmy James Eaton (who is also the narrator of our video).

Be a part of the development process by playing a pre-release version of the App. Find bugs and give us feedback! You'll need an iPad of course, and we'll be tracking your actions remotely, or if in Melbourne in person too! All playtesters will be in the credits of the App.

In the AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS world, philosophers are gamblers. So we have a casino where philosophers play...philosophy games. Some are games you'd find in a casino, with a philosophic edge, and others are just games that make you think...really think. For example, we like games such as Jason Nelson's game, game, game and again game as well as Molleindustria's Every Day the Same Dream. But let your imagination go wild. If you would like to create your own special philosophy game (or let us know about your existing one), we'll link to it from the app!

In the AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS world, Artists are Assassins. They get funding and critical acclaim by killing people with their art. You can be a part of the AUTHENTIC world by having your own Artist Assassin Avatar created by artist Simon Howe (the artist behind the video). We'll work with you, and based on the character traits you select (art weapon, weaknesses, etc), an avatar will be created and exist in the world upon launch! Here is a sampler of Simon's work:

As a sponsor, you'll receive 3 copies of the complete 3 episode iPad App, the Creator's Log (digital version), and your branding included as a special sponsor in the App for all players to see.

You or your team can have a 2 hour meeting with Christy and a crew or cast member. We'll do this either in person (if in Melbourne) or via Skype, or some form. We can do a presentation, consult on your work, entertain, whatever cunning plan you come up with!

Stretch Rewards!
We do actually need more than 15,000 to finish the project, and there are some elements we'd love to include in the experience if your support goes higher:

17,500 Active Audio Tour Commentary
We'll create audio commentary tours of the app, taking you through a detailed post-mortem revealing more design, writing, sound, visual, and coding decisions and lessons we learned.

20,000 Alternate-Time-Back-Button
We currently have a back button so you can replay scenes to hear cues, but we'd also love to include another back button which replays scenes with slight differences. These take you back in time to an alternate scene where you spot differences that add nifty insights.

22,500 Multiple-endings
This isn't just giving you the option to choose an ending. You will be able to experience all of the endings, and the combination of them all will provide a multifaceted wholeness more in line with the truth of the situation.

Gift your Pledge!
You can pledge to this project and pass on your rewards as a gift to someone else. We've created a special webpage you can send them to let them know what you've done. 

Contact Us!

There is probably something really important we've forgotten, so shoot us your questions or thoughts! 

== KUDOS == * A big hug from us for being so wonderful (in person if possible), and credit on the website

6 chosen

Est. delivery is May 13

== THE APP PACK == * All the previous rewards, plus: * iPAD APP: The complete 3 episode experience in the AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS iPad App!

64 chosen

Est. delivery is May 13

== SOUNDTRACK PACK ==<br /> * All of the previous items, plus:<br /> * SOUNDTRACK: Digital download of the complete soundtrack composed by <a href="http://soundplayinteractive.com/?page_id=12" target="_blank">Trevor Dikes</a> for all three episodes!

47 chosen

Est. delivery is May 13

== SPECIAL CREATOR PACK ==<br /> * All of the previous items, plus:<br /> * CREATOR'S LOG: Christy Dena shares writing, design, and directing decisions made during the project. The digital book includes videos, podcasts & articles that inspired or changed her thinking, art, audio files, writing scripts, as well as a topic-driven navigation system. <br /> [App estimated delivery by May, Log by July]

40 chosen

Est. delivery is May 13

== SPECIAL LIMITED PROLOGUE PACK ==<br /> * All of the previous items, plus:<br /> * PERSONALISED PROLOGUE BY JIMMY JAMES EATON!: We'll create a personal audio introduction to AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS, guiding you to the app with a special narration written by Christy Dena and performed by the narrator of the project - the ACE comedian <a href="http://www.jimmyjameseaton.com/" target="_blank">Jimmy James Eaton</a>! [App estimated delivery by May, Log by July]

3 chosen / 47 available

Est. delivery is May 13

== TESTER PACK ==<br /> * All of the previous items (except the Prologue Pack), plus:<br /> * USER TESTER: Be a part of the development process by playing a pre-release version of the App. Find bugs and give us feedback! You'll need an iPad of course, and we'll be tracking your actions remotely, or if in Melbourne in person too! All playtesters will be in the credits of the App. [App estimated delivery by May, Log by July]

2 chosen / 48 available

Est. delivery is May 13

== IN-WORLD PACK ==<br /> * All of the previous items (except the Prologue Pack), plus: * Be a part of the AUTHENTIC world in one of two ways: 1) ARTIST ASSASSIN: Have your own Artist Assassin avatar created by Simon Howe, based on the character traits (art weapon, weaknesses, etc) you desire! 2) MINI-GAME: Include your own special philosophy game (or let us know about your existing one) and if appropriate we'll link to it from the app!<br /><br /> [App estimated delivery by May, Log by July]

13 chosen / 27 available

Est. delivery is May 13

== I WANT IT ALL PLAYER PACK ==<br /> * All of the previous items - including the Special Prologue! <br /> [App estimated delivery by May, Log by July]

3 chosen / 27 available

Est. delivery is May 13

== SPONSOR PACK == * 3 copies of the complete 3 episode iPad App, Creator's Log (digital version), and your branding included as a special sponsor in the App for all to see! [App estimated delivery by May, Log by July]

2 chosen / 3 available

Est. delivery is May 13

== CONSULTING PACK == * 3 episode iPad App, Creator's Log (digital version), and a 2 hour meeting with Christy and a crew or cast member either in person (if in Melbourne) or via Skype, or some form. We can do a presentation, consult on your work, entertain, whatever cunning plan you come up with! [App estimated delivery by May, Log by July]

1 chosen / 2 available

Est. delivery is May 13

== SPECIAL EARLY BIRD CREATOR PACK == * All of the previous items, plus the following at a special price: * CREATOR'S LOG: Christy Dena shares writing, design, and directing decisions made during the project. It includes videos, podcasts & articles that inspired or changed her thinking, art, audio files, writing scripts, as well as a topic-driven navigation system. [App estimated delivery by May, Log by July]

50 chosen / 0 available

Est. delivery is May 13